Recommendation for an Optimal Regeneration

A – What do we mean by regeneration ?

Definition in Latin language : “regenerationem”, “regenerare”, regenerate. Ecclesiastical Latin “regeneratio”: return to life.

Regeneration involves restoring proper functioning of cells and organs in human body.

The objective of our food supplements is therefore not to cure pathologies but to regenerate and then maintain the good biological functions of our cells (intra  / extra cellular osmosis) and of our body organs for an holistic approach.

At each step, choose the most suitable products to regenerate you optimally. Be aware that there is no antagonism between products.


Step n°1 is to detoxify the body (cells) : Lapis Pro, Lapis Olea, Lapis Fungus, Lapis Quintessence, Lapis Holoscal, Fumo then Lapis Iris.

Step n°2 is to restore and then maintain energy of cells and nervous system by bio-electric energy: Green Lion, Lapis Elixir, Amust, Lapis Ostra, Morpheus, Anxia, Djed, Lapis Axis, Quintessence of Lapis Fungus, Quintessence of Lapis Ostra, Wild Ginseng essential oil…

Step n°3 is to maintain hormonal energy and physical condition: Lapis Juvenes, Golden Lapis Juvenes, Quintessence of Cordyceps Sinensis or Cordyceps Sinensis.

Step n°4 is for prevention and maintenance at low dosage: Lapis Pro, Lapis Quintessence, Lapis Fungus, Lapis Elixir, Fruitfull (according to needs: other products).

Our products have been developed and to work in synergy in these four stages of regeneration.


B – We make our products following the highest standards :

Our regeneration products are based on natural components such as plants, fruits, various biological products extracts, algaes, mineral products, etc…

These raw materials are rigorously selected for their biological qualities and harvested following a traditional process, respecting the natural cycles. The active principles are slowly extracted during months, without any aggressive extraction process, such as acids or excessive heat and threatening the biological vibrating qualities of the molecules. 

We do not use genetically modified biological products, nor any synthetic chemical product.

The craftsmen, traditional laboratories preparing our raw materials, botanists, biochemists and our entire scientific team are all driven by the same ideal : the respect of quality products and their effectiveness.

Years of experience in this area have brought us to refuse inferior quality, low cost products for the sake of profit.

We rather aim to offer high value products, guaranteeing an optimal level of efficacy.

They do not generate any side effects due to a mediocre quality of the fruit or plant-based products as it  can be seen elsewhere.

All products are biologically analyzed for harmful bacteria including pesticides, heavy metals, etc.

C – Recommendations for a step by step regeneration approach over several months :

Step n° 1 :

1 – Lapis Pro :

The first step is all about cleaning intestine from toxins, free radicals and accumulations of heavy metal traces. This will set a healthy environment, enabling for an effective regeneration.

Its biotic principle stimulates the exchanges between digestive functions and promotes a bacterial equilibrium (microbiota).. It allows to launch the reconstruction of intestinal mucous membrane, that will optimize the exchange with blood and enzymes since mucosa gets thinner as we grow old.

The β-sitostérol, flavones, Radix Scutellariae extracts and other active principles help to avoid intestine degeneration and allow for a local effect, which will then expand to a general level, regenerating the entire organism.

This product will detox the whole digestive system (toxins, free radicals, heavy metal traces) including emunctories organs (liver, intestine, skin, lungs, pancreas and kidneys), then restart all digestive functions and finally regenerate cells. You must use it before starting full cell regeneration with Lapis Elixir.

We recommend 3 months.

2 – Lapis Olea :

This extract made from Red Ganoderma Lucidum  mushroom (Red Reishi) spore oil represents the “sulfur” principle (fire) that is necessary to boost all your immune system (by liver, kidneys and lungs). All people who have a chronic disease have a low immune system. This product supplies amino acids and the following minerals : germanium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, iron, zinc and copper.

Inside this product, triterpenes and polysaccharides induce well known recurrent effects. Polysaccharides have strong immunomodulatory and anti-oxidative effects, and triterpenes have anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory effects, reducing high blood pressure and increasing micro blood circulation.

3 – Lapis Fungus :

By respecting the bio-dynamic cycle, it gives exceptional quality to this Red Ganoderma Lucidum (Red Reishi) and to certain components such as the following amino acids and minerals : germanium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, iron, zinc and copper.

The selection of spores, the treatment of the fresh powder at the precise time, the physical breaking of the spores and the antioxidant technique by regranulation allow extraction and concentration at low temperature of the active ingredients of high vibratory quality and excellent bioavailability (absorption) of active components.

The main ingredients of Ganoderma Lucidum and Red Garlic Powder contain polysaccharides from Ganoderma Lucidum, Red Garlic, and organic selenium. This product does not contain triterpenes as Lapis Olea above. This combination has an important function to protect liver, kidneys and improve regeneration of the skin.

4 – Lapis Quintessence :

This extract is a concentrate of three principles of Red Ganoderma Lucidum: the “Salt” principle (body), the female “Mercury” principle (soul) and the male “Sulfur” principle (spirit). These three principles act on four temperaments (four elements) of human body and provokes the fifth element to bring the “fire” principle: deep detoxification of organism and more particularly liver, stomach, kidneys and lungs. Its “fire” principle maintains energy level of organs and allows the skin to regenerate. It has multiple properties: it regenerates and maintains all fundamental organs. It can be used in two ways: at high dosage, it is anti-inflammatory and maintains the functions of organs, and at low dosage, it maintains organic functions.

5 – Lapis Holoscal :

This is a cellular nutrient solution : Lapis Holoscal rich in substances and active energy to nourish, reset and repair degenerated cells. It is a true scalar energy solution to sustain and prolong life.

The Lapis Holoscal nutrient solution has qualities of rapid absorption by mucous membranes between 4 to 5 seconds. It penetrates directly into cells of human body to bring energy to the functions of vital organs: liver, kidneys, heart, spleen, pancreas, intestines, lungs and entire immune system. This nutrient solution opens detoxification channels of liver, gallbladder and intestine, helps to eliminate accumulated free radicals and purifies the blood.

This solution strongly increases blood microcirculation, naturally regulates blood pressure, blood sugar, repairs damaged cells during cell degeneration in serious chronic and progressive diseases. It also acts on sexual dysfunctions. It has a strong action on regeneration of eyes and brain. It is an exceptional product for the regeneration of physical, emotional and mental bodies.

6 – Fumo :

This is an exceptional product that regenerates blood and body. It allows to give energy again to all cells thanks to multiple active principles of herbs. It acts directly on blood micro-circulation of all organs and more particularly for regeneration of lungs, brain or following pulmonary or chronic diseases. It also acts strongly on functions of reproductive organs and quality of skin.

7 – Lapis Iris :

Quintessence of gemstones on Hydromel :

Jaspe, Sapphire, Calcedon, Emerald, Sardoin, Cornaline, Chrysolith, Beryl, Topaz, Chrysoprase, Hyacinth and Amethyst

This Elixir contains the three principles by alchemical extraction : the salt principle, the sulphur principle and the mercurial principle of each of these 12 stones.

The 12 frequencies, the 12 vibrational virtues and their geometric shapes are part of this Elixir.

Celtic mead (Hydromel) activates global energy of nadis and increases energies of our vital body and our ether.

This product gives off a high vibrational frequency for the maintenance of your physical energies, your energy vortexes and your spiritual identity. The Lapis Iris transmits light under form of high intra-cellular vibrational energy by resonating the five geometric shapes which match with the “Flower of your Life”. It also transmits a vibratory pulse to eight types of stem cells.

It allows a global energy realignment : physical, emotional and mental.

Step n° 2 :

1 – Green Lion :

The body regeneration with the ancestral medicine by alchemists.

Why a vegetal “Philosopher’s Stone”? To regenerate our cells.

Every alchemist also has the knowledge of being able to make a ” Vegetal Philosopher’s Stone”

The preparation process consists of extracting elements from the vegetable kingdom, similarly the body (the “salt”), the soul (the “mercury”) and the spirit (the “sulfur”) *. It is then necessary to purify them, to exalt them, to obtain three pure matters, and to create a “Vegetal Philosopher’s Stone” of transmutation in order to regenerate and to increase the different frequencies of the three bodies: physical, emotional and mental.

This product has a wide spectrum of frequencies and can also be used for multiple physical problems: this is probably why it has been nicknamed the « Universal Quintessence » for centuries.

* This expression of “body, soul and spirit” is an analogy because of the plant kingdom has neither a soul nor spirit. These are symbolic expressions used in alchemy that do not correspond to the elements of chemistry.

2 – Lapis Elixir :

Composed of various active principles extracted from eukaryotes (from the pan-Arctic area), stimulates regeneration mechanisms by supplying high levels of bioelectric energy.

This will relaunch the balanced operation of the cell mitochondrial functions, as well as a better exchange on the quality and quantity of the produced Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).

Its global action will have an effect on all of body main organs and functions, epiderm included.

3 – Amust :

This dietary supplement is powerful for eliminating free radicals, other toxins in the heart of all cells.

It helps in the natural production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) energy source of our body. It has an anti-aging action by maintaining the length of telomeres. It acts on intra/extra cellular osmosis and facilitates the production of enzymes. It maintains all general function of organism.

Amust supports all the functions and production of enzymes that allow all physiological processes of transformation (digestion, nerve conduction, hormone synthesis, blood circulation, reproductive functions, etc.) and intra/extra cellular exchanges in order to maintain the authenticity of cellular duplication (telomere length maintaining). This natural extract supports the presynaptic transmission of cellular bioelectricity, or the energy often called “Qi” or “Ch’i”.

4 – Lapis Ostra :

Lapis Ostra is an exclusive formula using root eucaryote extracts of Rhodiola Imbricata coming from the pan-himalayan mountains where it grows at high altitudes (5250 to 13000 feet high). This variety of Rhodiola has a strong vitality and an uncommon ability to adapt to its environment : the “memories” of eukaryotes have a direct informing action on mitochondrial ATP in our cells.

It is composed of four basic amino acids normally naturally produced by the pituitary function, from our seven “conductor”endocrine glands and their related functions. They maintain a physical bio-regulation as their functions concern general body operation. It supplies oxygen to your brain.

When you regenerate brain, you have action on Central Nervous System (CNS) and all the body (including the endocrine system).

5 – Morpheus :

This is a rare and exceptional phytotherapeutic dietary supplement that regenerates general functions of nervous system. A disturbed sleep has consequences on memory, metabolism of our body, immune system and different functions of our entire nervous system (vegetative, neuro-vegetative, sympathetic, para-sympathetic).

Morpheus action does not cause any addiction. It resets multiple regenerative functions such as sleep, memory, concentration, dreams. We also advise it in any chronic pathology to improve regeneration of organic functions.

6 – Anxia :

Anxia is an extract of peptides (a set of oligoperptide-type amino acids) selected through metagenomics from two ingredients used in traditional medicine: Gingko nut and sea cucumber.

This product improves memory, increases oxygen content of all brain’s cells, promotes elimination of free radicals in brain, regenerates blood vessels mainly in brain (preventing blood vessel sclerosis and improves brain function), effectively improves anxiety and insomnia, also improves osteoporosis, andropause and bipolar disorders as well as post-traumatic stress. It protects the cellular degeneration of our organism and more particularly of brain and decreases oxidative stress at neurons level. It improves anticoagulant and antithrombotic functions, mitochondrial functions and development of telomeres.

7 – Djed :

High Energy generating nutritional supplement for your cells

Djed is a natural dietary supplement providing energy for your body : an organic plant based ATP source with a high bio-availability.

This organic mix, available as a green powder, maintains cells organelles longevity and organs vital functions.

It provides a natural energy input to mitochondrial organelles to provoke cyclical Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) production.

1. If you are young, it can increase muscle force and stamina by about 30 %.
2. If you are older, it will bring you a very strong daily energy to move, to walk and to have more physical force.
3. If you are elder, you will feel more energy every day and this will help you to rebuild your muscles. If you have lost muscle mass for a few years, you will be able to have a minimal energy and walk more easily.

This product is composed of plants, seeds and wild citrus fruits, all submitted to extremely harsh climatic conditions from arid desert areas, stimulating production of a natural and bio-available Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).

8 – Lapis Axis :

We classify this Lapis among our cells regenerating products range and more particularly for joints but also for bone mass and to maintain level of calcium in kidneys.

Our body absorbs and fixes 100% of Lapis Axis because it is very assimilable since it is from natural and vegetable origin unlike other calcium extracts. There is no limit of absorption either for kidneys or for the prostate in men with Lapis Axis.

This product is an excellent dietary supplement to prevent de-calcification (osteoporosis) following menopause or andropause but also to maintain assimilation and fixation of vitamin D and magnesium. It re-balances kidney functions for people vaccinated against Covid.

9 – Quintessence of Lapis Fungus :

We separate and purify, by following an ancestral spagyric knowledge, three alchemical principles “body, soul and spirit” from Red Ganoderma Lucidum spores : we added in this elixir, a small quantity of potable gold.

This method of preparation (with potable gold) allows to increase molecular and vibrational frequency but also to concentrate multiple healing properties of this mushroom.

10 – Quintessence of Lapis Ostra :

We prepared a quintessence of “Rhodiola Imbricata”. An extract in liquid form is always more effective than a powder extract in form of capsules or tablets.

We separated and purified, by following an ancestral spagyric knowledge, three alchemical principles “body, soul and spirit” from the Rhodiola Imbricata root: we added in this elixir a small quantity of potable gold.

This method of preparation (with potable gold) allows to increase molecular and vibrational frequency but also to concentrate multiple healing properties.

11 – Wild Ginseng Essential Oil:

Ginseng oil that we offer has been extracted using an ancestral process at low temperature in order to preserve all active and vibrational ingredients. It is a powerful and invigorating essential oil. It is traditionally used to act on several pathologies: from a simple cold to blood circulation improving (high blood pressure) and also blood sugar. It regulates endocrine and metabolic systems but also helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

Step n° 3 :

1 – Lapis Juvenes :

This is an extract of oyster amino acids, Polygonatum Officinale, Abelmoschus Manihot and Tuber Indicum. These extracts are traditionally used to support renal /prostatic regulation for men and renal/ gynecologic regulation for women.

Lapis Juvenes contains a lot of oyster oligopeptides along with other active plant extracts to relaunch the bioelectric signal within our organism thus contributing to a proper functioning of our cells.

As such, this active compound is not a vasodilatator but rather a physical bio-regulator.

Lapis Juvenes brings balance to Ying Yang energy levels. It provides fundamental nutrients to renal function, as well as strengthening general immunity, and provides more global energy. It stimulates the libido on females and males.

2 – Golden Lapis Juvenes :

Golden Lapis Juvenes is a product that regenerates kidneys, prostate, ovaries, uterus while regulating male and female hormones level. It provides a tremendous amount of energy to kidneys and adrenal glands. Thanks to regulation of hormones, it improves sleep and gradually eliminates urinary discomfort after taking only few doses.

People who face to these disadvantages know all the troubles in daily life, so it is not necessary to list them.

3 – Quintessence of Cordyceps Sinensis :

We separated and purified the three principles of Cordyceps Sinensis following an ancestral spagyric knowledge. This method of preparation allows to increase molecular and vibrational frequency but also to concentrate multiple healing properties of this mushroom recognized for centuries.

It is particularly effective in maintaining energy for elderlies but also for libido.

4 – Cordyceps Sinensis :

Same properties as Quintessence of Cordyceps Sinensis above but presented in a natural powder form.

Step n° 4 :

For prevention and maintenance at low dosage :

Lapis Pro : see above

Lapis Elixir : see above

Fruitfull is a complex of vitamins, enzymes and peptides from non-GMO organic fruits comprising more than 50 fruit extracts and some high quality vegetables. This exclusive formula is an essential health food supplement to meet our daily needs for nutrients to optimize organic functions and cell regeneration.

(According to the needs, other products can be used at low doses)

D – Here are a few examples (not exhaustive) of synergy between products :

Lapis Pro + Lapis Elixir :

Full cycle of cells regenerationfor people in health during 6 to 7 months and 1 year for people who have chronic diseases.

Lapis Pro + Lapis Quintessence :

If you have any chronic disease, both products will have these following  properties :

• detox your emunctories organs (liver, intestine, skin, lungs, pancreas and kidneys)

• re-start your digestive functions which is the first step of cells regeneration

• boost your whole immune system

• supplies energy after a few weeks

• increase micro blood circulation and lymphatic system

Lapis Pro + Djed :

If you are an elder and lost a lot of energy in your daily life or if you are sporty and you wish to develop your muscle mass because you would like to keep your shape for many additional years, both of these products will detox you in a first step and then help you to keep your muscles or to develop them if you are younger.

Lapis Pro + Lapis Ostra :

You have suffered a series of hardships in your life. You need to revive your motivations, your organic and nervous energies by a detoxification of free radicals, rebuild your digestive system and regain nervous stability by acting on your Central Nervous System (CNS), best adaptation to stress, better physical resistance, increase oxygen in your brain. Intestine being called the “Second Brain”, then the synergy of both of these products allows to develop adaptogenic properties.

Lapis Pro + Lapis Juvenes or Golden Lapis Juvenes (more powerfull) :

If you are female or male, over 50 years, and feel lower sexual energy, or if you are a woman with gynecologic issues or if you are a man who has prostate troubles, these products will detox you on a first step and will reharmonize your digestive functions. Then in a second step, they will supply energy to your kidneys (directly linked to reproductive organs) and also more global energy.

Djed + Lapis Ostra :

For athletes or elders to regain either muscle force and stamina or energy vitality according to age.

Djed + Lapis Juvenes or Djed + Golden Lapis Juvenes ( more powerfull) :

Develops the overall vital energy by an energy supply with Djed. Lapis Juvenes will remineralize the organism by the contribution of oyster oligopeptides, it has a strong regulatory action on kidneys for men and women and has a regulatory action for prostate function in males and gynecologic functions in females.

Lapis Juvenes + Lapis Ostra :

Lapis Juvenes develops genital organic functions, maintains with oligopeptides genital functions on females and males, stimulates energy on kidneys, allow a better blood micro-circulation and Lapis Ostra has an adaptogenic action, “de-stressing” and regulating the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the whole synaptic communication: the desire.

Lapis Ostra + Lapis Quintessence :

Lapis Ostra supplies energy to nervous system, it is adaptogen, it supplies oxygen to the whole organism including brain. In addition, Lapis Quintessence restores energy and increases immunity (action on liver, kidneys and lungs). Develops blood micro-circulation in whole body.

Lapis Elixir + Golden Lapis Juvenes :

Lapis Elixir has cells regeneration action throughout the whole body by Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and collagen supply. Golden Lapis Juvenes provides an oligopeptide supply and improves bioregulation function of kidneys, prostate in men but also gynecological functions in females.

Amust + Lapis Holoscal :

Amust is a powerful cleanser of free radicals and promotes production of Adenosine Trisposphate (ATP): this is an anti-aging product, It maintains functions of organs and production of enzymes that allow all physiological processes of transformation (digestion, nerve conduction, hormone synthesis, blood circulation, reproductive functions, etc. …) .

Lapis Holoscal is rich in substances and active energy to nourish, reset and repair degenerated cells. It is a true scalar energy solution for maintening and extending life.

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