The Golden Root that restores Calm and Serenity

Rhodiola a natural support during
  • Intensive sports activities
  • Lack of sleep
  • Anxiety
  • Irregular hormonal activity
  • Significant intellectual activity 

The specific properties of Rhodiola Imbricata make this plant a valuable tool in difficult times of stress or fatigue. It enables the body to adapt more readily to a variety of situations. Besides these relaxing properties, Rhodiola is also tonic and supports regeneration. It can be used during major physical effort such as workouts.

Rhodiola Imbricata Edgew, also known as the “Golden Root” (Rose Root / Arctic Root / Golden Root / Shrolo) is a medicinal plant that grows in the mountainous regions of Europe and Asia.

Highly regarded for its calming and energizing properties during periods of stress and intense physical activity, Rhodiola Imbricata or Rosea is a “highly adaptogenic” herb that contains about two hundred active nutrients, amongst which rosavins, salidrosides, polysaccharides, flavonoids, and terpenoids are the best known.

Rhodiola variants originate from different parts of the world and have a variety of properties and efficacies. Since ancestral times, it has been widely used in Chinese traditional medicine. In Siberia and in Scandinavia, its use as a tonic plant has been known for at least 3000 years.

An Adaptogenic Millennium Plant Containing Over
200 Active Nutrients

Rhodiola Imbricata is the Adaptogenic Antistress Plant

Adaptogenic herbs are said to play a metabolic regulatory role by enabling the organism to improve its tolerance to fatigue and stress induced by environmental or psychological factors.

These plants can prove to be particularly effective in fighting all forms of “acute” or “chronic” stress, and help the body rebalance itself. In addition to these particular properties, their wealth of vitamins, trace elements, and amino acids give these plants tonic and energizing virtues to fight against fatigue.

The adaptogenic properties contribute to general health, prevent the negative effects of “stress” on the body and support it in difficult times.

Adaptogenic herbs help regulate homeostasis. These plants evolve and live in extreme conditions. They have in their mitochondrial memory a codification of hyper-adaptability: this is why they are called adaptogen.

This codification of adaptation which contains different chains of amino acids but also a qualitative memory resonates with our cells and our own mitochondrial memory, being perceived by our nervous system and sending signals (information) favoring the maintenance of cellular homeostasis.

Understanding "Stress" and homeostasis

We hear the word "stress" a lot in our daily lives, but what exactly does it mean?

The word itself is already a real mouthful- it refers both to the party responsible, the reaction the body has to this party, and the emotional state of the person that is reacting. 

Stress is a whole set of ways in which the body copes to adapt to a situation or an unforeseen event, whether psychological or environmental. 

In clinical terms, stress is the component that triggers a series of physiological reactions: perspiration, accelerated heartbeat and breathing; and psychological reactions: anxiety, agitation, and sleep disorders. 

This is not necessarily a negative mechanism, quite the contrary, all these changes are necessary and useful for our survival. 

From a primitive standpoint, stress is an evolutionary inheritance. In humans, this heritage originates from the first reptiles from which mammals are descended, leading to a certain number of responses to dangers, enabling the organism to adapt and cope at the maximum of its capacities.

It is, therefore, necessary to distinguish two types of stress: “positive” stress, or “Eustress”, and “negative” stress, or “Distress”.

Acute and chronic stress

Faced with a “stressor”, the organism generates complex interactions between the nervous system and hormonal reaction mechanisms. 

There are two kinds of physiological stress reactions: “acute stress” and “chronic stress”. 

  • “Acute stress” rapidly mobilizes our resources to respond to aggression.

  • “Chronic stress” is designed to mobilize resources over a longer period to respond to aggressions that last for a long time: chronic.

Chronic stress can cause a variety of symptoms, including sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, immune weakness, and persistent fatigue. 


A high quality dietary supplement extracted from Rhodiola Imbricata

$95.00 – Box of 120 capsules of 500 mg.

Stress in response to a disruption of homeostasis

The “stress” reaction combines both nervous and hormonal processes following disruption of homeostasis.

Stress refers to a disturbance of the organism’s equilibrium and a disruption of the start of homeostasis.

Homeostasis is the capacity of any system (open or closed) to preserve its equilibrium to operate despite the constraints and aggressions external to it.

Cellular homeostasis refers to the maintenance of a set of physicochemical variables in the body that must remain relatively constant: for example, blood sugar levels, body temperature, mineral, and salt levels in the blood, etc…

Maintaining the stability of the internal environment of our organism is the key to a free and independent life, enabling our evolution without having to worry too much about the external environment.

When faced with a “stressor” that causes a disruption of homeostasis, the organism sets up complex interactions between the nervous system and hormonal reaction mechanisms in order to recover its balance.

Rhodiola Imbricata: support for the body

"It is a wonderful plant. But it's not a plant that cures, much rather one that provides the body with the means to heal itself!"

Andrée Fauchère, leading Swiss herbalist, says about Rhodiola

Being an adaptogen, Rhodiola assists the body in coping with various stresses within the body. 

The plant’s essential active ingredients are rosarin, salidroside, and flavonoids. It also contains Amino acids, tannins, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. 

These active ingredients contribute to the stimulation of dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and acetylcholine, which act directly on the cerebral cortex. 

Rhodiola Imbricata regulates the nervous system and the endocrine system, the only ones likely to detect and correct anomalies in the composition of the internal environment (homeostasis). 

Rhodiola facilitates the transmission of serotonin precursors, this hormone thus becoming more accessible to the cerebral cortex, helping the latter react favorably to the stimuli. 

These specific properties make this plant a valuable tool in difficult times of stress or fatigue. It enables the body to adapt more readily to a variety of situations. Besides these relaxing properties, Rhodiola is also tonic and supports regeneration. It can be used during major physical effort such as workouts.

A natural Food Supplement that regulates the nervous system

Being a food supplement, Rhodiola Imbricata offers a natural regulatory action.

From a holistic health standpoint, we believe it is important not only to view the entire being as a mechanism driven by biochemical signals but also to try to take into account the capacity for natural regeneration of our various biological functions, which interact with many other factors involved in psychological suffering (personality, life events, daily stress, representation of the self and the world, etc.). 

From a spiritual point of view, a powerful soul living in harmony with life, as opposed to an overly sterile lifestyle disconnected from nature, encourages a natural regulation of cellular homeostasis through an activated epiphysis, a primordial spiritual center that is healthy, balanced, and able to appropriately respond to external stimuli and aggressions.  

Modern lifestyle, urbanization, environmental and auditory pollution, physical and psychic stress, which are often in a mismatch with our primordial coding, disrupt this capacity of adaptation and encourage the appearance of pathologies, hormonal deregulation, chronic physical and psychic fatigue in the long term, sometimes as a result of DNA mutations and premature aging of cells and organ functions. 

The features of Rhodiola Imbricata and these assets have natural regulatory effects on the nervous and endocrine system that can help fight the aggravating effects of stress: fatigue, sleep disorders, and anxiety. 

Proper stress management is linked to the improvement of intracellular and intercellular communication, mitochondrial health, DNA stability, and healthy gene expression.

Lapis Ostra a Food Supplement extracted from high-quality Rhodiola Imbricata

We have named it this way in reference to its regulatory action on the pineal gland, whose role is to inform the functions of the body, considered as the spiritual center (third eye) whose chakra is purple: Ostra meaning purple in Latin and Lapis meaning stone. 

Lapis Ostra : Rhodiola Imbricata a plant from the Himalayas

There are various species of Rhodiola coming from different parts of the world conferring them various properties and efficiency. It has been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times. In Siberia and Scandinavia, it has been used as a tonic plant for at least 3000 years.

Rhodiola Imbricata root used in the manufacture of Lapis Ostra originates from the Nepalese side of the Himalayan range, at over 4,000 meters of altitude.

These wild plants, whose roots are between 20 and 30 years old, are picked with care and only a portion of the root is removed, thus allowing the plant to remain in place and continue its development.

We specifically collect a variety of Rhodiola containing a particular quality mitochondrial coding; a result of the plant’s age and the geographical location where they grow, subjecting them to extreme conditions that give them particularly interesting adaptogenic and vibrational properties.

The selected plants, their origin, and root collection period as well as the slow and low-temperature extraction methods are all studied to preserve their properties in order to offer the best quality. 

This extract includes the active ingredients traditionally found in the different varieties of Rhodiola

The properties are:

  • Better brain and blood oxygenation
  • Development of cognitive functions (improving the information exchange between the left and right brain hemispheres)
  • Maintains the physical bioregulation of hormonal functions
  • Bio-regulatory action on the epiphysis and hypophysis glands
  • Action on the telomeres
  • Action on the central nervous system (CNS)
  • Anti-stress effects and bioregulation of adrenaline and noradrenaline production functions
  • Improves physical exertion and recovery after physical exercise by bringing oxygen to the muscles
  • Improves sleep quality (bioregulation of melatonin levels)
  • Bio-regulates cardiovascular and sexual functions (non-vasodilator)
  • Promotes the natural production of DHEA

This extract contains four amino acids in minute doses, which regenerate the body and the telomerase function “Epithalamine”.

The adaptogenic effect of Rhodiola Imbricata has been proven in various studies at a dosage of 200 mg twice a day. It is best taken at breakfast and lunch, due to its energizing effects, though taking it in the evening is not advisable.

Neither adverse effects nor any intolerances have been documented with other therapeutic products.

The product is not a medication and will not replace an allopathic medical treatment. 

DISCLAIMER : This product is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PEOPLE BELOW THE AGE OF 22 YEARS OLD, since it should not be necessary.

It is recommended for people of the THIRD AGE population.

It is NOT RECOMMENDED for pregnant women, nor during the milking period.


A high quality dietary supplement extracted from Rhodiola Imbricata

$95.00 – Box of 120 capsules of 500 mg.

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